LSAT Food for Thought

MmmmMmm!  Since many of you will be taking the LSAT this coming weekend, I thought it was appropriate for me to channel my inner Jamie Oliver and make some dietary recommendations to all the February LSAT’ers (if you haven’t seen Jamie’s TED talk, check out the first few minutes) out there. Truth is, we probably all should heed more nutritional advice from the likes of Jamie O – so why not let the LSAT be the incentive…

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Deciding Whether To Go To a Regional Law School? Upcoming Podcast Takes a Close Look

As you think about law school (and maybe you’re even waiting to hear from the admissions committee on your pending application), you may be trying to decide whether to go to a regional law school, or opt instead for a big name or national school.  Given skyrocketing law school tuition, students are focusing on the value of school and many have to weigh scholarship money at local, regional or  semi-national schools against the full price at a national or higher ranked school. That’s the topic for our upcoming podcast and we interviewed several deans…

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Should Applicants Always Go to the Best Law School They Get Into?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that you should always go to the best, most elite law school you get into. Or is it? In a recent study, law school professors Richard Sander and Jane Yakowitz discovered that the salary boost from earning stellar grades outweighs the boost from attending an elite law school. Moreover, if you graduate with a low-low GPA, turns out you’ll “feel the least secure about your jobs.” (Read more about the summary…

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Should You Take Time Off Before Law School?

 Spencer, a senior, sat in my office during a group pre-law advising session last week at a crossroads deciding whether to go to law school next year. He’s busy filling out applications just in case.  “My parents say if I don’t go now, they are afraid I will never go,” he said. “Plus, it is still a really bad job market out there. Maybe I should go to law school just to hedge my bets.” Marisa, sitting…

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Where are the hot jobs?

Some legal practice areas are growing fast, while others continue to fizzle. Here are six to consider for your future. Not all legal practice specialties are created equal. And in this down economy, the hotter practice areas are fueling entry-level hiring at the small- and medium-sized law firms, where the vast majority of law school graduates get jobs. "Law firms specializing in bankruptcy, foreclosure and litigation are adding staff to meet increased demand for their services," said…

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New Resource for Law Students Interested in Entertainment, Media & Sports Law

Do you find all the hoopla of the Hollywood awards season and the buzz about Oscar nominations more than just a little interesting? Well, we have some great breaking news for all you future lawyers who want to work in the area of entertainment, media and sports law. The Association of Media and Entertainment Counsel (AMEC)has just formed a new Law School Section, and will host student sponsored events at law schools throughout the country and hold…

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American Bar Association May Drop LSAT Requirement

 “All in favor of killing the LSAT requirement say ‘aye.”  Last week Inside Higher Ed reported that the American Bar Association is considering ending a rule that law schools require the LSAT in order to receive ABA accreditation. Right now this is just an idea being kicked around by an ABA panel charged with reviewing the associations accreditation rules, but if the panel recommends the change (which many believe it will), ABA approval may not be far behind. Why…

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New Podcast Features Networking Tips for Law Students

“It’s not just what you know, it’s who you know.”   “Network, network, network.”    Ok, got it.  No doubt you’ve heard this advice time and time again, whether you’re a current or future law student (or any other professional really). But while you know that the network you build is a key factor in your success, the big question for most students remains, how and where to start?  Our new podcast, Networking 101, runs down the essential tips you’ll need as a law student to start you on the…

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How to Compensate for a Less Than Stellar LSAT Score

David, a senior, stood in my office doorway. I looked up to see a giant smile on his face. “Yes!”  He gave me a thumbs up. “I finally did it — a 165.”  His LSAT score, on his second try, was finally where he wanted it to be to try for some top schools. And, I’m happy to report, he did get into his top choice school. Later that day Jason stopped by, looking glum. He was…

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The Debate Over the Value of Law School Goes On

The New York Times recently raised the question “Is Law School A Losing Game?” and suggested that, for many recent law grads, the answer apparently is yes.  First, there is widespread recognition that the job market for lawyers, particularly young lawyers, is terrible.  Little debate there.  Second, tuition is soaring at the nation’s law schools.  Hardly a stretch either. So what’s driving the discussion lately?  The continued disconnect between this gloomy job picture, on the one hand, and the students lining up in droves to take the LSAT, the steady stream of applicants to law school, and the…

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